Тема-Еngland pp.186-187
We are going to focus our attention on one part of the UK, the central ,the biggest in territory and population and probably the most important for the UK 's economy - that is on England.
1.First I want you to revise the words:
Натисніть тут, щоб повторити слова (картки двобічні-слово та зображення або переклад, натискаєте на картки,запамятовуєте слова,можна прослухати вимову,потім перевіряєте себе,обравши режим тест, записуйте результат тут або надсилайте на мою пошту).
2.Now you are going to read the text about England-ex 7 p.186-187
patron saint-святий-покровитель
Check yourself-answer the questions ex8 p 187
1.By the way do you know the name of this English actor?
2.And do you know the name of this English sport game?
These names are in your text!Find and write the answers in your copy-books.
Now I want to check how attentively you read the texts ex3 p184 (previous lesson) and ex 7 p186 (this lesson).
Follow this link Test and choose the correct answers.I am sure it will be easy for you.There are 12 questions.
4. Poll.Just a short poll as a feedback -
quick-poll It won't take you more than 2 -3 minutes
5. Homework.Your homework is to answer the questions A or B in your copy-books ex8 p 187
Thank you for your work! Hope you enjoyed the lesson.Write your questions in commentaries or to my email .See you here next week...
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